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 This is our first company land acknowledgement. We welcome feedback and questions. We’re still learning.


It was influenced by the Concordia University Land Acknowledgement which was principally written by Wahéhshon Shiann Whitebean
and Dr. Karl S. Hele with some assistance from Dr. Louellyn White. Thank you for all of your work.

Land Acknowledgement


We live and work on the unceded territory of the Kanien’kehá:ka people on the island known to some as Montréal which is known as Tio'tia:ke in the language of the Kanien’kehá:ka.


The land that we stand on existed before us and will outlive us. The presence of Indigenous people on this land long predates that our people.


This is significant to us for three reasons :

  1. As settlers, we are guests on this land.

  2. Filmmaking has a high impact on the Earth

  3. Filmmaking has been used to harm Indigenous people


As settlers, we are guests on this land


We have a responsibility to know our history. The state of Canada has had and continues to have a violent relationship with Indigenous people.


In order for our nation, such as it is, to heal, we have to begin to listen better than we have been to the voices of Indigenous leaders calling for change and be prepared to follow them.

Filmmaking has a high impact on the Earth


Filmmaking can be wasteful. We endeavour to use the Earth’s resources responsibly and to interact with those we share the Earth with respectfully.


Filmmaking has been used to harm Indigenous people


Western cinema has largely vilified or ignored Indigenous people. Access to the film industry and representation on the silver screen are issues close to our hearts. At this early stage of our existence as a company, our resources and knowledge are limited but we would like to make the offer of a consultation on a project (or a coffee type conversation about the industry, whichever is most helpful) to any beginning Indigenous or marginalized filmmakers who might be interested.

There are many ways to learn more about land acknowledgements, Indigenous culture and the contemporary relationship between Canada and the First Nations. We highly recommend âpihtawikosisân, a blog by Chelsea Vowel, as well as the Truth and Reconciliation Reports.


Thank you,

Clare, Amanda & Liz

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